  • blo-sec-one
    Sweet Taste
  • blo-sec-two
    Energy Lift
  • blo-sec-three
  • blo-sec-four
There is a reason willpower alone isn't always enough to quit the sugar habit.
  • happy chemicals like dopamine are released when sugar is consumed - creating a dependence or 'craving' for it, especially when you are feeling sad or anxious
  • drops or dips in the body's sugar levels create cravings for instant, quick sources of energy such as sugar
  • Sugar is always super accessible - making it nearly impossible to avoid it (x2 if you have kids!).

It felt like auto-pilot was on when there was cookies on the counter...

After dinner there was this gnawing craving in the back of the mind that was urging me to go find some dessert.

After the past me gave in and devoured a whole bag of candy, I would immediately regret it feeling sick.

Later that night, I would lie in bed, the room dark and quiet,

my stomach feeling heavy from the sweets, and regret clung to me like a shadow.

“I did it again. Why can’t I just stop?” My thoughts whirling in my head, replaying the day’s failures over and over. 

I would rub my temples, feeling the dull throb of a sugar-induced headache forming.

I would close eyes, trying to sleep, but the frustration lingers.

“Tomorrow, I’ll do better,” I promised myself.

“Tomorrow, I won’t give in.” But deep down, I knew it’s a battle I've been losing for a long time.

Tired of the battle, I started to ask.

"What if It Didn't Have to be This Hard?"

The Solution Worked So Well, We Knew We Had to Share it With Others.
We created empower, a spray that blocks the taste of sugar completely
Working with a brilliant chemist, we came up with a formula that
  • blocks the sweet taste of sugar so treats no longer taste good.
  • Helps reduce cravings for sugar.
  • boosts the production of "feel good" seratonin so the brain gets its reward without calories.
  • helps maintain normal blood sugar level so cravings are kept at bay.
Disconnect the Pleasure Response and You Stop the Behavior

The secret behind Empower's success is that it not only helps curb cravings, it satisfies the body's need for a mental & emotional lift, while removing the "yum" factor of dessert.

This takes the option of cheating off the table and makes it 1,000X easier to say no! Before you know it, you'll have lost your craving for sugar completely.